Sporting those primary colors proudly and fabulously, the Prime Luxury Rose Bouquet from Heart & Thorn displays deep, vibrant blue and red roses that cannot be ignored. This bouquet makes for a great gift for your partner or loved ones either by itself or combined with champagne, wine or chocolates and other gourmet delights.
This bouquet includes a selection of blue and red roses with eucalyptus and baby’s breath gathered in floral wrap and finished with a designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.
Show your friends and family that you love and care for them with bespoke flower gifts from Heart & Thorn. Whether you want to choose from our selection of pre-designed flower arrangements or create your own design with our Custom Bouquet Designer, we have an expansive list of floral options for you to create the flower gift of your dreams. Choose from roses, lilies, poinsettias, irises, daisies, carnations, orchids and more to create a gift that is both unique and beautiful. We also have a range of potted plant gifts that are contemporary and make for great gift choices as well. Our plant gifts come encased in beautiful planters and are sure to delight anyone who receives it. No matter what the occasion, you are sure to find a winning gift every single time with Heart & Thorn.
My daughter adored her basket of flowers!
My girlfriend loves roses and which is a better website than blooms for ordering.
Wanted a nice bunch of flowers to go with the gift I got for my husband for his 40th birthday. The flowers were dewy fresh and smelled amazing. The whole thing looked beautiful and I decided this is where I am going to order my flowers from now on. Highly recommended.
Mom asked me to get her some flowers for a friend of hers and looking for them online, somehow I landed on this site. The flowers were full, pouty and looked prettier than the ones in the pictures here. When I asked to rate the flowers for me, she said she would give them a full 5... I guess I can try this site for other gift baskets too.