Delight someone in your life with the Pink & Purple Mixed Daisy Bouquet from Heart & Thorn. This gorgeous bouquet features pink and purple roses, mixed daisies, and greenery gathered into a floral wrap and tied with designer ribbon. A refreshing breath of fresh air, these fresh flowers make for a charming gift no matter the occasion. If you would like, you may even add on your choice of wine, beer, champagne, gourmet snacks, desserts, and more from our extensive custom options. Please Note : The pictured bouquet is the size Large.
This beautiful bouquet features a selection of pink and purple roses, daisies, and greens gathered into a floral wrap and tied with ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons to this gift.
Please Note: This bouquet contains perishable items. To guarantee freshness, we highly recommend that an express shipping method (Same-Day, Next-Day or Overnight) be used to ship any order consisting of fruits/chocolate-dipped fruits, cakes/baked goods, flowers/plants, cheese, and all other perishable items.
Show your friends and family that you love and care for them with bespoke flower gifts from Heart & Thorn. Whether you want to choose from our selection of pre-designed flower arrangements or create your own design with our Custom Bouquet Designer, we have an expansive list of floral options for you to create the flower gift of your dreams. Choose from roses, lilies, poinsettias, irises, daisies, carnations, orchids and more to create a gift that is both unique and beautiful. We also have a range of potted plant gifts that are contemporary and make for great gift choices as well. Our plant gifts come encased in beautiful planters and are sure to delight anyone who receives it. No matter what the occasion, you are sure to find a winning gift every single time with Heart & Thorn.
The flowers came packaged in a beautiful box and were in perfect shape. We ended up using 5 vases and distributed them around the house.
Exceeded my expectations. The wine and flowers are amazingly fresh considering they get shipped and such beautiful selections. Packaged so well. I look forward to getting them.
Just in time to receive. Each is so unique and the mix of colors is perfect!!
Perfection keeps coming!!! 89 yr old mom LOVES her gift year round, best gift I’ve ever given her!
Flowers come fresh and beautifully Packaged. There is always a generous amount of flowers, often enough to share, and they last a long time. Terrific to receive and a winner to give.