Beautifully bold, yet simply elegant, the Lavish Lavender Iris Bouquet presents a flower collection that offers bold and beauty, all in one bouquet; the gift that spans occasions and holidays. This simple yet elegant arrangement is sure to impress anyone that receives it. The Featured Bouquet is the 24 stem option.
This bouquet includes violet irises and baby’s breath gathered in a floral wrap tied with designer ribbon. If you wish, you can add any wine, champagne, beer, liquor or gourmet gifts from our list of add-ons.
Very good and beautiful. Delivered with care and in time. As per our wishes.
My sister received them for her Birthday, absolutely beautiful. I will order again and this I am going to call, I live in Pa and my sister has been living away from Family. She did however mentioned that they we're roses but as long as she got them and beautiful and they all fully opened, they were purple. Thank you for sending her beautiful flowers.